Wednesday, November 21, 2007

let it snow

The rest of the family will arrive today and as we are hurridly cleaning, baking and brining, the first snow flurries of the season are falling! Wishing you and your family a safe and happy Thanksgiving weekend with lots to be thankful for!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

rat a tat

Mike and Mark are thrilled that Lukas has taken an interest in one of their childhood favorites, Bugs Bunny. Lukas calls it "Bunny Bugs"!

After the boys got their fill of "What's up, Doc?", we settled in to watch Ratatouille. Mike and I had read alot about the making of the movie--the producer studied with chef Thomas Keller (owner of The French Laundry and Bouchon) while making the movie. I thought it was very well done--there are several obvious references to the lessons learned in Keller's kitchen.

Best of all, Lukas says "RAT a tooie" and when I ask if he wants to learn to cook, he always says "YES!"

copy cat

While in Florida, the Pollmann sisters enjoyed a wonderful chocolate toffee dessert. Tonight the family gathered for a post race meal/football viewing (unfortunately, ISU didn't win) and I tried to recreate the dessert we enjoyed while in Florida. While it wasn't exactly as remembered, the brownie layer topped with caramel, chocolate mousse, toffee and whipped cream was enjoyed by all!

mama needs a new pair of shoes

In fact, almost 7,000 runners need a new pair of shoes after yesterday's Living History Farms Off Road Race. This 7 mile run takes participants through fields, creeks, and up muddy embankments. It's fun and we had great (almost warm) weather! That makes it alot easier when people like Mike slip in the water and get wet up to their shoulders! It was a family affair as Mike, Heidi, Stacy (Mike's sister), Mackenzie (our niece) and Becky (Stacy's sister in law) all participated. Mark and Lukas came out to watch while Gary directed traffic nearby.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

ICONic design

Soon after starting with BCA, Heidi began working on the kcICON project, a design build project for MoDOT. For several months, two teams developed designs for a new bridge and corridor aesthetics (noise walls, retaining walls and landscaping) along Interstate 29/35. Today we learned that our team, called the Paseo Corridor Constructors, was awarded the contract!! At the lower right hand corner of the project website, you can click on 'Corridor Aesthetics & Sound Walls' to see BCA's work.

Friday, November 09, 2007

autumn flavors

Tonight we enjoyed another seasonal dinner with Lynnis and Larry. Our menu featured seasonal fall flavors and included:

pomegranate prosecco
fried cornbread shrimp with butternut squash risotto
pork tenderloin with cranberry and roasted garlic sauce
brussel sprouts with lemon vinaigrette and pecans
grand marnier souffle with orange sauce

We're ready for Thanksgiving!