Wednesday, August 22, 2007

our personal + professional lives

It's been awhile since we've had a chance to post and it isn't because we don't have anything to share! We've both been busy. Mike is studying for yet another section of the ARE (Architecture Registration Exam) and training for the 2007 Jackson County Triathlon.

While Heidi has been finished with her registration exam for a few years now, she was excited to receive her state of Missouri license to practice as a landscape architect last week. The same weekend she was appointed to the 30 member Kansas City Light Rail Citizen’s Task Force. As some of you may know, last November, Kansas City voters approved a ballot initiative to implement light rail from the airport to the zoo. A recent study estimates that the plan faces a funding shortfall of $433 million to $545 million.

The application stated that "The purpose of the Task Force is to provide input from various perspectives and assist with community outreach during Phase I of the Light Rail Alternatives Analysis. The Alternatives Analysis will support local decision-making by the KCATA and City of Kansas City, MO, related to the voter-approved light rail route, cost for the route, funding sources for the route, and other information required to satisfy potential federal funding requirements."

We are both strong supporters of all modes of mass transit and frequent bus riders. We look forward to seeing light rail become a reality in Kansas City!

Heidi is also looking forward to a few upcoming trips to K-State. Last year she was asked to be a member of the Landscape Architecture Advisory Board which meets each fall. Additionally, the fifth year students will be using one of Heidi's recent transit projects as a 2 week studio problem so she will be introducing the project and participating the in critiques.

and you wonder why we haven't been cooking or eating out lately!


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