Sunday, July 15, 2007

a long time coming

have you ever had one of "those" projects that takes A L O T longer than you think it should? we recently (today!) finished one of our own. many of the old houses in our area still have the original windows and the interchangeable storm windows and screens to match. when we moved into our house, most of the storm windows were installed and the screens (with black trim) were in the basement. this spring (after living here almost 5 years) we finally got around to taking off the storm windows, bringing the screens upstairs and finding the window they fit. after all of that, the screens needed to be cleaned, the trim painted and a few repairs made. it was so nice to have the windows open this spring that we lived for a few weeks with black screens on our white windows. once it got hot enough to turn the ac on, we started painting. it didn't take too long to get them all painted but it was a relief to get them all installed...until we pulled into the driveway a few weeks ago and saw that we'd missed one! well, today we got all of the painting supplies back out and the last screen got painted white! onto the next project...


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